its been a while since i blogged. haha, thats a funny word. "blogged". anyway. just thought i'd spill out all my random thoughts starting with some of the freshest in my rather limited memory.
first off, this week has been interesting. hello finals. you suck. who thought up the absurd idea of finals anyway? its like, "i know, lets catch the students when they're so burned out they dont even want to live anymore and give them a TEST!" why oh why. anyway, fortunately most of my classes weren't all that hard. i was just dreading a very select few. first, was my accursed history paper. my teacher thought that instead of taking another test we'd have to write a 7-10 page paper on whether or not greece and rome should be considered part of western civilization. i'm thinkin', who cares? i mean, most people not directly involved in history (or directly coming out of professor mcloughlin's class) have EVER even had this on their minds! but no, i gotta write a paper. so i spent a lot of yesterday afternoon/evening sitting in zimmerman library (which, by the way, thank you UNM, zimmerman is the best!) trying to write this paper AFTER i read all the stuff i needed to just to start the dumb thing. (is this even making sense???) anyway, finishing that paper may have been the best thing that happened to me that day. it was a real relief, and to top it all off i felt all good about myself because its not actually due til monday!
well, one down, 8million to go, right? so after writing that paper, oh wait no.... this was BEFORE writing the paper. the day before, in fact. i had to give a spanish presentation in my 201 class with two of my buddies. we had to talk in spanish for 3 minutes (i know. oh the torture) and, get this, it had to be coherent and we had to display a knowledge of the vocabulary and the gramatical concepts studied this semester. im having issues with things like the "past participle" in english, how am i supposed to display a thorough knowledge of it in spanish! oh well, it seemed to go well, all things considered so that was nice to get that out of the way.
so that same wednesday in my theater class we had to perform our scene. well me and my buddy were doing a scene from the play
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard (which is actually a pretty good play; akin to
Waiting for Godot by
Samuel Beckett... anyway) and so we got that out, and actually it went really well. i actually yelled during the scene. like, straight up yelled. it was awesome, and yes, it fit the scene, so i wasnt like being obnoxious.... well, overly obnoxious at least. so then we did our monologues on friday, which.... eh. i didn't really like my monologue all that much so i was kinda glad to see it go, though i wasn't all that excited to perform it.
so i just got out of my spanish final which was on a saturday from 3pm to 5pm, which i thought was a weird time, but im glad its over. im sitting outside the room right now actually waiting for my buddy to finish up so that we can go celebrate. yay. but actually, this final marks the end of a new chapter for me... no more spanish classes EVER. (unless of course, i change my major, but that better not happen, i finally just decided that it really WOULD be theater... eh.) so yeah, i dont need any more spanish classes. yay. how exciting.
ok, so yeah, thats my school run down. fortuantely finals week (which actually doesnt start til monday) should be pretty easy. all the hard stuff is out of the way. thank you LORD! but, on a different note, because im sure not many people actually care about how my school is going. life hasn't been too too bad lately. just, y'know..... life, i guess. here's the highlights
i got a laptop. and that was a beautiful day. he's pretty. his name's William, and he's my new son.
i saw 2 movies.
Stranger Than Fiction (which is awesome!) and
Casino Royale (which was ok.) i left
Fiction feeling like i really was meant to be an English major, and i left
Casino Royale frustrated. frustated that i wasn't gorgeous like a "Bond Girl" and frustrated that i didn't have TRUE LOVE like James Bond... course i guess if i had his luck in love like that, I'd want to kill myself too.
so yeah, those were the highlights i guess. not much else happened. well, that final's done and just two more and a paper to go (or is that three....?) anyway. thanks for listening. maybe next time it'll be more interesting!