so i'm joanna, or the joey, or whatever. i like acting, movies, music, classic novels, poetry, and my Bible. take a read if you like... thats why its here.



I am pleased to announce that this morning I received an email from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England informing me that I had officially been accepted as an exchange student for the 2007-2008 Academic Year!

and i freaked out. it was great. i read the email in the green room at UNM and there was only one other person in the room so despite the fact that i barely know her, i had to tell SOMEONE! so i told her! anyway, its a dream come true and i couldn't be more excited!

all i can say is THANK YOU GOD!

My semester starts September 24th, and I won't be back until June of the following year. Until then, I get to work harder than i've ever worked in my life to make more money than i've ever had in my life. should be a blast!



Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats! Unfair, but congrats! ;-)

7:19 PM


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