so i'm joanna, or the joey, or whatever. i like acting, movies, music, classic novels, poetry, and my Bible. take a read if you like... thats why its here.


look.... im playing guitar!


even if you DON'T like harry potter....

this is still really funny! i laughed my head off.... oh, the simple, dumb joys.

Harry Potter Parody

let me know if you found it as funny as i did!

"rabbit, hat. hat, rabbit! and thats the rabbit."

Who invented homework?

that, my friends, is the question of the day.

so, i just remembered today that i had spanish homework that was due at midnight on wednesday night. needless to say, i didn't actually do it. *sigh* such is life. so i just finished up wednesday's homework, and now i'm going to start tonight's homework. its currently 11:03pm. i was kinda hoping to be asleep by now.... well, dream on, right?

spanish, oh spanish. not a big fan. i'd love to know the language, and be fluent, and so i could carry on a decent conversation with juanita at my work, but our deep conversations are always about the chile (which, conveniently in spanish is "chile") she's packaging and how tired i am (which is "soy muy cansada!"). well, at least i got 2 sentences under my belt. oh, and she taught me how to say "rain", too... its lluvia (i think).... and i wonder why my grade in spanish 201 isn't any higher?

i even had big plans to (now don't anybody faint...) STUDY tonight, but obviously that fell through. now i just have to write a 150 word paper on things in my house... man, i knew i shoulda learned that vocabulary so i could say things like, "i don't have carpet, it g0t flooded with all that lluvia a few weeks ago!" oh well, 150 words isn't really all that much. maybe when i get it finished i'll post it so that all those people who read my blog (yay for the 3 of you who read my profile) can see my progress... or lack thereof.

well, i'm off to write my paper. *sigh* thank God thats the only homework i've got tonight! well, that i'm gonna actually DO!


the melting pot of new music

Ahhh... music. what a wonderful thing. so i think i've listened to my ipod for more time straight in the past two days than i have in a while. and trust me, my ears are feelin' it.... those little headfones that stick into your ears aren't exactly the most comfortable thing to wear over a long period of time. thank God i have some new music to listen too, otherwise they'd probably be hurting even worse. but, i digress. new music. thats an even better thing than just music in general.

first, let me start off by saying that my musical taste is a bit... odd? lets take a look at my ipod. its a 30 gig, and about oh.... maybe 11 of them are filled? mostly my own music, stuff i've downloaded or uploaded onto my computer, but theres all kinds of crap on there. everything from jimmy eat world, to nsync, to third day, to rascal flatts, to the sound of music. but hey, im just well rounded (without hip hop), right? well, i kinda got tired of listening to the same ol' stuff, and the same songs kept coming up on the playlists so i decided i was going to find some new music. i started by asking my friends. i got into some new bands, copeland, augustana, deathcab for cutie, to name a few (yes, yes, i know i should have been into some of them before... but hey, give me a break). so i started to expand my lists of artists i could name and love.

well, it progressed and i got on and it was pretty much amazing. all kinds of good stuff on there that i'd never heard of. two bands though stuck out like a sore thumb (in a good way, if thats possible), Northern Room and My Favorite Highway. both pretty good. now don't get me wrong, these may not be the best bands musically or talent-wise or whatever, but they are pleasing to the ear, so much so that i found Northern Room on iTunes and downloaded it for like $6. unfortunately, My Favorite Highway doesn't have an album for sale right now, otherwise i'da downloaded theirs too. so basically, check 'em out, both very good. MFH is a little like the All American Rejects with a piano, and Northern Room is kinda.... hmm, i'm not sure, just check 'em out.

so yeah, there's my little bit on music. let me know what you think, and if you've got good rock bands with pianos, melodies, and good lyrics. let me know who they are. i'll check 'em out.

my new cds:
Derek Webb - Mockingbird
FM Static - Critically Ashamed
Tremolo - Love is the Greatest Revenge
Augustana - All the Stars and Boulevards
Soular - Tomorrow Never Comes
Northern Room - Last Embrace EP
Copeland - Beneath Medicine Tree
Deathcab for Cutie - Transatlanticism